NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care would like to thank everybody who provided online, written or in-person feedback to the work being done around the Children, Young People and Families with SEND Outcomes and SEND Strategies in Tameside.
They are at the point now where we have discussed widely what is important to you on your SEND journey, starting from surveys done in November 2022, right through to asking you how the I-Statements make you feel, and ideas for how these can be measured. They have also asked what is important to you in regard to joint commissioned services between Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council and the NHS.
Joint Commissioning priorities agreed:
They will continue to strive to work with children and young people and yourselves to progress the work for Children, Young People and Families with SEND.
They will next be pulling together indicators that can be monitored to make sure that as a system they are making improvements and the health and wellbeing of you and your family is getting better, and if not, where improvements can be made.
In response to feedback, in regard to length of time for feedback to be provided, they are extending the engagement period to 11th November. This will also include the SEND & AP 0-25 Strategy as well as the SEND Joint Commissioning Strategy.
Read the draft Tameside SEND 0-25 Strategy.
Please respond to this email address – gmicb-tameside.central@nhs.net with comments and feedback.