Find information, help and support available in Tameside for children and young people with SEND.
Early support for families with children of all ages, from 0-19 or up to 25 with special educational needs and disabilities.
Information, advice and support including child care, family activities, support with parenting and additional needs.
Advice, support, guidance and signposting to meet the needs of you and the person you care for.
Service Information Directory for children, young people and families
Find information about transport and help with travel for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities.
The Smallshaw-Hurst Children’s Community Strategy for 2024-2027 embodies their collective commitment to fostering positive change and empowering every individual within the community to thrive.
Tameside has a range of innovative short breaks which are commissioned for children with more complex needs
Childline provide information, advice and support on a variety of problems, whatever’s on your mind. They will guide and support you to make decisions that are right for you.
NHS Health Mentors are here to support young people and their families. They offer advice on issues that you may face as you get older.
The service compromises of Health and Social Care staff who offer treatment and support to young people with an additional need and/or complex health need.