Following a joint visit from Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission to judge the effectiveness of our special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) service in Tameside, we absolutely recognise the challenges ahead of us and accept the areas of development that have been outlined.

We would like to thank Ofsted for recognising our hard-working front-line staff and we are proud of achievements to date which provide us with a solid foundation to work from. We are also pleased that Ofsted noted that since 2018, improvements have been made and we have the right plans in place to deliver better experiences for SEND Children in Tameside.

The pandemic has slowed recent progress but we are re-doubling our efforts, listening to parents and working closely with partners to ensure that we have a rounded and joined up approach to our local offer through education, health and care. We will continue to lobby government for investment into children’s services as they have to be funded properly to support successful delivery at local level.

Written Statement of Action

Following the outcome of the inspection, we have been requested to produce a Written Statement of Action (WSoA). The WSoA will focus on 10 areas of significant concern identified during the Local Area SEND inspection.

This ‘Statement of Action’ identifies the things we will do to address the 10 areas of concerns.  Tameside Council and Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care are jointly responsible for the WSoA. We will work with our Parent Carer Forum and Our Kid’s Eyes (OKE), our schools, colleges, health providers and other stakeholders and together we will own the plan.

You can read the plan here