Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) Awareness are hosting their February webinar on the subject of ‘Is FASD overlooked in Family Law?’ with Dr Cassie Jackson.
As a Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Director of the Psychology Clinic of East Anglia in Norwich, she also holds a part-time role working alongside Dr Raja Mukherjee and his team at the Surrey National FASD Clinic, on the hub and spoke model of service delivery.
Cassie divides her clinical time between expert witness child protection work in the Family Courts, and neurodevelopmental assessment including FASD and related conditions. Cassie additionally provides training in FASD to social care teams, Virtual Schools, and adoptive/foster parents, and clinical supervision to medical and social care professionals in recognising and appropriately diagnosing FASD.
Thursday 20th February, 8.15pm-9.15pm