Many children and young people experience emotional and behavioural problems from time to time. They may be stressed about exams, unhappy about friendship problems, confused about changes to their body, anxious about the future. They may experience worries and sadness.

If you’re looking for more help for a young person you know personally, there are plenty of options available. Whilst they may need a specialist mental health service such as CAMHS, the majority of worries and issues can be dealt with at home or with the support of other organisations in your area. Remember that you’re not alone and even just listening to the young person can really help them.

There is a difference between feeling worried and anxious from time to time and having a serious emotional health problem. If your child’s difficulties are not improving over time, or if the problems are having a significant impact on him or her, then it may be the time to get more professional help.
Any professional working with children and young people can help. If your child’s problems seem centred around school, then approaching a teacher or pastoral care staff member at school would be the best place to start.

Your GP is also well placed to discuss your concerns with you and direct you to local support, and there is a range of drop in sessions that you can attend too.

If your child has more significant problems or if the problems are not getting better, then a referral to a more specialist service may be the next step. If you or someone you know is in need of additional help, there are services in Tameside and Glossop that can help.

There are lots of organisations that offer mental health support locally. You might need different types of support at different times in your life. Sometimes it might just be about getting a bit of advice or sometimes problems are more serious or don’t get better with self-help.